Thursday, 23 February 2017

OUGD602 - Nootropic Branding - Creativity enhancement

Concept 1 - Left & Right brain enhancement 

Science Stumbles onto a Creativity Pill - Levadopa may trigger creative impulses.

New research links a drug called 'levadopa' to an increased artistic bent in Parkinson's patients

"When Parkinson's patients treated with a synthetic dopamine-precursor pill, levodopa, showed high upticks in creative activities from writing novels to painting portraits, their doctors began to wonder at the causes"

Creativity and Nootropic Memory Supplements

Creativity is something that is related to the cognitive part of the brain that functions on higher-order volitional process. 

At times, no matter how hard you try, how dedicated you are, your brain just won’t work when you want it to.

That’s where Nootropics like Aniracetam can give you an edge. They are primarily designed to tweak your brain’s performance, from an outdated Intel P4 to the latest Macbook Air.

'Aniracetam' is the best choice when it comes to enhancing your creativity by using artificial drugs.


From: $22.99
50 – 100 grams

  • Improved Memory
  • Increased Learning Ability
  • Improved Cognitive Processing
  • Heightened Reflexes
  • Heightened Perception
  • Reduced Anxiety
  • Reduced Depression
This is where Aniracetam comes into play.

Being one of the strongest nootropics, it has additional benefits like improving focusing abilities and enhancing memory power, apart from the regular ones for which it was prescribed i.e. to reduce the levels of stress and anxiety, depression or any other mood related disorder.

Certain smart drugs accelerate the growth and repair of nerve cells throughout the central nervous system. It affects the mental functioning for a more efficient synthesis of energy and provide anti-fatigue properties that help the user to work for a longer duration. A clear mind is a prerequisite for doing something creative.

OUGD602 - Nootropic Branding - Idea generation

Concept 1

A drug that gives one side of the brain full capacity
Two tables that each focus on either the right - brain functions or left 

Concept 2

Unlock our capabilities (IQ)

OUGD602 - Nootropic Branding

Brief Create a campaign idea on Nootropic brands (Medicine packaging)

What is the brand called?

How does it connect with your audience?

How does it make them feel?

What does it say about your brands ethos and mission?

Does it stand out? is it memorable?

3 packs website

A campaign Idea

Our deliverables 
Pill design
Usb design
The game

OUGD602 - Nootropic Name - Gigabyte

Why Gigabyte as a name?


The name of our brand roots from the Nootropic drug used to enhance memory, or give other cognitive functions. The objective for this brief is to give a daily used pill a whole new identity. The name 'Gigabyte' emphasises a merge between our brains memory and a common interface that enables communication between devices and a host controller, such as a personal computer, but in this case a humans memory. 

The University years can be a stressful time, especially during exam periods and coursework deadlines. Therefore, Gigabyte is target towards males and females within the early and mid 20's. The pill offers an enhancement for each side of the brain - the left and right. As shown within previous research, the left brain is known to think verbal and analytical, and the right brain is non-verbal and intuitive: logic vs creativity. 

The challenge is to showcase parallels between our brains capacity and the space within a Hard-drive / USB.